Category: Infrastructure as Code

Learn how to use the most popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) frameworks such as AWS CDK and AWS CloudFormation to deploy your resources.

  • Designing a Multi-Principal IAM Role using AWS CDK

    Designing a Multi-Principal IAM Role using AWS CDK


  • Create a DependsOn relation between resources in AWS CDK

    Create a DependsOn relation between resources in AWS CDK


  • Assign a Custom Role to a Lambda Function with AWS CDK

    Assign a Custom Role to a Lambda Function with AWS CDK


  • AWS CDK Bootstrap: The Why and the How

    AWS CDK Bootstrap: The Why and the How


  • Optimize your AWS CDK Project Structure for Growth

    Optimize your AWS CDK Project Structure for Growth


  • What is the AWS CDK? (A beginners guide)

    What is the AWS CDK? (A beginners guide)


  • How to set up an Amazon S3 Bucket using AWS CDK

    How to set up an Amazon S3 Bucket using AWS CDK


  • How to deploy a CloudFormation template

    How to deploy a CloudFormation template


  • AWS CloudFormation Attributes (GetAtt) Cheat Sheet

    AWS CloudFormation Attributes (GetAtt) Cheat Sheet


  • AWS CloudFormation Properties Cheat Sheet

    AWS CloudFormation Properties Cheat Sheet
